Sunday, July 3, 2011

Insanity or just a realization of the truth?

ok well it's been quite a while since I have posted here and I find my mind continues to drift further from the reality that I once thought was real... it seems that one of two things is going on... either my mind is awakened and drifting beyond the reality that everyone believes to be real... or I have finally begun to feel the repercussions of loosing my mind due to that incident when I was 4... the trauma must have been worse than I thought... and now my mind can't hold up anymore.

it seems that if nothing else the PTSD is causing me to continue drifting from reality and heading towards something I have no idea about... one thing is for certain though, my powers are real to some extent, I have healed people, reality seems to be shifting around me sometimes in a direction I never intended, and the world seems to have forgotten for the most part that I exist.

I will continue updating on this blog about my life and I hope many of you can understand that these may just be the ramblings of a madman.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life log, earth date 1/31/2011 12:05 AM

Ok so jan 29th was my grandfathers 66th birthday so happy birthday to him yay!

now for today... I didn't do much, just messed around on an RTS game.

surfed the net and listened to music for a while.

and then as of this evening I wrote some more of my book.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

OK so today I didn't do much, I watched TV and used the computer for a while, I took a bath, I had some of the leftovers from diner last night for lunch and for dinner I had pasta.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hello and welcome

Hello, my name is leo. I am writing this post to signify the beginning of my life log/blog.  I guess I should start with my day so here it is.

Today I didn't do much really, I set up a new internet router, Began a new short story, and watched TV for most of the day while waiting for the software for the router to install on the control terminal.

other than that nothing much happened, I am looking forward to another delicious dinner tonight that I shall prepare my self,

on the menu for tonight is Salisbury steak with diced potato's and minced onions, yum!

this is Leo, signing off.